
class squishy.scsi.device.PeripheralDeviceType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The type of device a peripheral iss

DirectAccess = 0

Direct-access devices (e.g. Magnetic Disk)

SequentialAccess = 1

Sequential-access devices (e.g. Magnetic Tape)

Printer = 2

Printer-like devices

Processor = 3


WORM = 4

Write-Once-Read-Many devices

ReadOnlyDirectAccess = 5

Read-only Direct-access devices

ReservedStart = 6

Start of the Reserved section

ReservedEnd = 126

End of the Reserved section

LogicalUnitNotPresent = 127

Logical unit is not present

VendorUniqueStart = 128

Start of the Vendor Unique section

VendorUniqueEnd = 255

End of the Vendor Unique section