Test Harness¶
Squishy support infrastructure for testing.
This module contains 6 classes which augment the standard torii.test.ToriiTestCase
with additional
functionality to help with writing and running Squishy-related gateware tests. They are as follows:
- Generalized test parent, all other test classes are derived from this.
- Tests for end-to-end USB interface tests, contains machinery for driving SOL Gateware USB PHY
- A more general set of USB interface tests, directly drives the SOL USB interface.
- Augments theUSBGatewareTest
with DFU helpers.
- Tests for SPI related gateware, contains helpers for driving a SPI bus for tests.
- Tests for SCSI related gateware.
- class squishy.support.test.SquishyGatewareTest(*args, **kwargs)¶
The base class for the more specialized Squishy subsystem tests.
- class squishy.support.test.USBGatewarePHYTest(*args, raw_record, **kwargs)¶
, this mixin is used for end-to-end USB tests where we emulate a physical USB bus, this helps test end-to-end integration.To use this, the DUT platform rather than returning a ULPI or UTMI resource should return a DirectUSB resource, this will cause SOL to use it’s gateware PHY and we can then manually drive D+ and D- for tests.
- Parameters:
raw_record (torii.hdl.rec.Record) – The Raw Torii Record representing the USB bus for the Gateware PHY. It must have 2 members d_p and d_n, each with i, o, and oe sub-members, all 1-bit wide.
- static crc16(data: int, bit_len: int, crc_in: int = 0) int ¶
Computes the CRC16 of the given byte for the USB traffic.
- usb_emit_bits(bits: int, count: int = 8)¶
Emit appropriate K and J symbols to put raw bits onto the USB bus.
- usb_single_zero()¶
Emit a single-ended USB 0 onto the bus.
This drives the input side of D+ and D- on the USB record to 0:
D+: ┈┈┈┈🮢__ D-: ┈┈┈┈🮢__
- usb_single_one()¶
Emit a single-ended USB 1 onto the bus.
This drives the input side of D+ and D- on the USB record to 1:
D+: ┈┈┈┈🮠 ̄ ̄ D-: ┈┈┈┈🮠 ̄ ̄
- usb_j()¶
Emit a USB J symbol onto the bus.
This drives the input side of D+ high and D- low:
D+: ┈┈┈┈🮠 ̄ ̄ D-: ┈┈┈┈🮢__
- usb_wait_j()¶
Wait up to 1000 cycles for the output side of the USB bus to have a J symbol emitted to it
- usb_assert_j()¶
Assert that the current state of the output side of the USB bus is a valid J symbol.
- usb_k()¶
Emit a USB K symbol onto the bus.
This drives the input side of D+ low and D- high:
D+: ┈┈┈┈🮢__ D-: ┈┈┈┈🮠 ̄ ̄
- usb_wait_k()¶
Wait up to 1000 cycles for the output side of the USB bus to have a K symbol emitted to it
- usb_assert_k()¶
Assert that the current state of the output side of the USB bus is a valid K symbol.
- usb_initialize()¶
Emit a USB bus initialization sequence which consists of a USB 0 for 30µs followed by a USB 1 for 1µs.
- usb_sync()¶
Emit a USB sync onto the bus.
This puts a pattern of KJKJKJKK onto the bus.
- usb_assert_sync()¶
Assert that a USB sync has been emitted onto the bus.
- usb_eop()¶
Emit a USB End-of-packet onto the bus.
This puts 2 USB 0’s followed by a J symbols and then a USB 1 onto the bus.
- usb_sof(frame_number: int | None = None)¶
Emit a USB Start-of-Frame.
- Parameters:
frame_number (int | None) – The frame number to use.
- usb_send_ack()¶
Send a USB ACK
- usb_get_ack()¶
- usb_get_stall()¶
Get a USB Stall
- usb_data(data: Iterable[int])¶
Emit a USB DATA packet.
- Parameters:
data (Iterable[int]) – The date in the packet.
- usb_get_zlp()¶
Assert that the USB bus has a ZLP emitted.
- usb_send_zlp()¶
Emit a USB Zero-length-packet.
- usb_set_addr(addr: int)¶
Emit a USB Set Address packet.
- Parameters:
addr (int) – The address to set the device to.
- usb_get_string(addr: int, string_idx: int, string: str)¶
Emit a USB Get String packet and assert it matches the expected value.
- usb_get_state()¶
Return the state of the USB bus outgoing side.
- class squishy.support.test.USBGatewareTest(*args, **kwargs)¶
, this class relies on access to a SOL interface exposed in the DUT or DUT wrapper.Most of the USB tests in Squishy use this type of helpers, as the
is only used for full end-to-end USB integration validation if absolutely needed.- setup_received()¶
Trigger a setup received event on the USB interface.
- send_setup(*, type: USBRequestType, retrieve: bool, req, value: tuple[int, int] | int, index: tuple[int, int] | int, length: int, recipient: USBRequestRecipient = USBRequestRecipient.INTERFACE)¶
Inject a setup packet into the USB interface.
- Parameters:
type (USBRequestType) – The type of this USB request.
retrieve (bool) – If this is an IN request or not.
req – The request.
value (tuple[int, int] | int) – The one or two byte value of the setup packet.
index (tuple[int, int] | int) – The one or two byte index of the setup packet.
length (int) – The length of the setup packet.
recipient (USBRequestRecipient) – The recipient for this setup packet. (default: USBRequestRecipient.INTERFACE)
- send_setup_set_interface(*, interface: int = 0, alt_mode: int = 0)¶
Inject a Set Interface packet into the USB interface.
- receive_data(*, data: tuple[int, ...] | bytes, check: bool = True)¶
Assert that the USB interface sends the expected data.
- receive_zlp()¶
Assert that the USB interface emits a ZLP
- ensure_stall()¶
Assert that the USB interface emits a stall.
- send_get_desc(*, vendor_code, length, index)¶
Inject a Get Descriptor request into the USB interface.
- Parameters:
vendor_code – The vendor code for the descriptor.
length – The length of the descriptor.
index – The index of the descriptor.
- class squishy.support.test.DFUGatewareTest(*args, **kwargs)¶
Provides helper wrappers for USB-DFU related test driving with the
class.- send_dfu_detach()¶
Inject a DFU Detach into the USB interface.
- send_dfu_download(*, length: int = 256)¶
Inject a DFU download of the given length into the USB interface.
- Parameters:
length (int) – The size of the DFU download. (default: 256)
- send_dfu_get_status()¶
Inject a DFU Get Status into the USB interface.
- send_dfu_get_state()¶
Inject a DFU Get State into the USB interface.
- class squishy.support.test.SPIGatewareTest(*args, **kwargs)¶