
class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPIInterface(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)

An SPI interface that can act as both an SPI controller and/or an SPI peripheral.

  • clk (Subsignal, inout) – The SPI bus clock line.

  • cipo (Subsignal, inout) – The SPI bus CIPO line.

  • copi (Subsignal, inout) – The SPI bus COPI line.

  • cs_peripheral (Subsignal, in) – The chip-select signal to route to the SPIPeripheral

  • cs_controller (Subsignal, out) – The chip-select signal to route out from the SPIController

  • mode (SPIInterfaceMode) – The mode this SPI interface represents, either a SPI Controller, a SPI Peripheral, or both.

  • cpol (SPICPOL) – The SPI bus clock electrical idle. (default: HIGH)

  • cpha (SPICPHA) – The SPI bus clock phase. (default: RISING)

  • reg_map (torii.lib.soc.csr.Multiplexer | None) – The CSR register map to feed the SPIPeripheral if mode is either PERIPHERAL or BOTH


active_mode (Signal) – This signal is only present if mode is BOTH. It controls the output-enables for the COPI, CIPO, and CLK lines depending if it is high, for the controller, or low, for the peripheral.


The SPIController module if mode is CONTROLLER or BOTH.


The SPIPeripheral module if mode is PERIPHERAL or BOTH.

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPIInterfaceMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The operating mode for SPIInterface


Enable the SPIController inside SPIInterface


Enable the SPIPeripheral inside SPIInterface

BOTH = 3

Enable both the SPIController and the SPIPeripheral inside SPIInterface

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPIController(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)

A generic SPI Bus Controller for a SPI bus with one peripheral on it. (for now)

  • clk (Signal, out) – The clock generated for the SPI bus from this controller.

  • cipo (Signal, in) – The data signal coming in from the peripherals on the bus.

  • copi (Signal, out) – The data signal going out to the SPI bus from this controller.

  • cs (Signal, out) – The selection signal for the device on the SPI bus.

  • cpol (SPICPOL) – The SPI bus clock electrical idle. (default: HIGH)

  • cpha (SPICPHA) – The SPI bus clock phase. (default: RISING)

  • cs (Signal) – SPI Chip Select.

  • xfr (Signal) – Transfer strobe.

  • done (Signal) – Transfer complete signal.

  • wdat (Signal(8)) – Write data register.

  • rdat (Signal(8)) – Read data register.

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPIPeripheral(*args: Any, src_loc_at: int = 0, **kwargs: Any)

A SPI peripheral that exposes a set of registers to the SPI bus.

  • clk (Signal, in) – The incoming SPI Bus clock signal

  • cipo (Signal, out) – The output from the SPI peripheral to the bus.

  • copi (Signal, in) – The input from the controller on the SPI bus to the peripheral.

  • cs (Signal, in) – The chip-select signal from the SPI bus to indicate this peripheral should be active.

  • reg_map (torii.lib.soc.csr.Multiplexer) – The CSR register map to expose to the SPI bus.

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPICPOL(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The state of the electrical idle for the SPI controller clock

LOW = 0

SPI Controller clock is electrical idle high

HIGH = 1

SPI Controller clock is electrical idle low

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.spi.SPICPHA(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The phase of the SPI controller clock


Data is sampled on the rising edge


Data is sampled on the falling edge

class squishy.gateware.peripherals.flash.SPIFlashOp(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

The current SPI Flash Operation being completed

NONE = 1

No Operation


Sector Erase


Page Write

READ = 4

Page Read